You search for a fast solution to delete the parents and cascade deletion to the associated children. The SQL, ON DELETE CASCADE perform cascading of deletion at database-level, and methods such deleteAllInBatch() and deleteInBatch() can take advantage of it. There is no need to load the data in the Persistence Context to take advantage of application-level, CascadeType.REMOVE and/or orphanRemoval=true. Nevertheless, you can use ON DELETE CASCADE with deleteAll() and delete(), but mixing batching with database automatic actions (ON DELETE CASCADE) will result in a partially synchronized Persistence Context.
This application is an example of batching deletes (in MySQL, but any other database can be used) via ON DELETE CASCADE. Auto-generated database schema will contain the ON DELETE CASCADE directive:

Note: Spring deleteAllInBatch() and deleteInBatch() don't use delete batching and don't take advantage of cascading removal, orphanRemoval and automatic optimistic locking mechanism to prevent lost updates (e.g., @Version is ignored), but both of them take advantage on ON DELETE CASCADE and are very efficient. They trigger bulk operations via Query.executeUpdate(), therefore, the Persistence Context is not synchronized accordingly (it's up to you to flush (before delete) and close/clear (after delete) the Persistence Context accordingly to avoid issues created by unflushed (if any) or outdated (if any) entities). The first one simply triggers a delete from entity_name statement, while the second one triggers a delete from entity_name where id=? or id=? or id=? ... statement. For delete in batches rely on deleteAll(), deleteAll(Iterable<? extends T> entities) or delete() method. Behind the scene, the two flavors of deleteAll() relies on delete(). Mixing batching with database automatic actions (ON DELETE CASCADE) will result in a partially synchronized Persistent Context.
Key points:
In this application, we have a Author entity and each author can have several Book (one-to-many)
First, we remove orphanRemoval or set it to false
Second, we use only CascadeType.PERSIST and CascadeType.MERGE
Third, we set @OnDelete(action = OnDeleteAction.CASCADE) next to @OneToMany
Fourth, we set to org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect (or, MySQL8Dialect)
Fifth, we run through each deleteFoo() method
Tam Ta Da Dam! :) The complete application is available on GitHub.
If you need a deep dive into the performance recipes exposed in this repository then I am sure that you will love my book "Spring Boot Persistence Best Practices".